Page 35 - York Global Science 1 - Earth & Space
P. 35

Earth and Space Science

                3 Turn around slowly with the                             new moon
                    Moon in the same position.

                    This is like the Moon orbiting

                    Earth. Can you see how the                                                  what you

                    Moon looks different?                                                           see


                4 Stop when you are all the way round so your back is to the


                    Look at the Moon now.

                    The light is on the side of the Moon that is facing you. So

                    that side of the Moon is getting light.
                    We see the Moon as a full circle when we look from the


                Scientists know a lot about the Moon.
                People have even walked on the Moon. The first person to
                walk on the Moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.

                 1   Think of an important fact about the Moon that you learned


                 2  You will tell the class your fact and hear other facts.

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