Page 118 - York Global Science 6 - Physical Science
P. 118
Let’s Review
Competencies: ‘I can…’ Questions
I can explain what electric charge 1 What is electric charge?
is and how charged particles 2 How do charged particles affect
affect each other. each other?
I can explain how and why static 3 What causes static electricity?
electric charges happen, and 4 How does static electricity affect
how they affect objects. the charge on objects and what
they do?
I can explain the effect of electric 5 What happens to electric
charge on conductors. charges when they are in a
6 Why might the charge not be
the same in different parts of a
I can understand the relationship 7 What is electromagnetism?
between electricity and 8 How can you make an
magnetism and explain how electromagnet?
to make an electromagnet, 9 Explain how an electromagnet
describing how it works. works.