Page 11 - York Global Science 6 - Physical Science
P. 11
Regular chapter review pages
allow you to check your own
progress and see if there
is anything that you do not
Let’s Think Let’s Review
Let’s Review section summarises the key competencies from the chapter
to aid consolidation and revision and poses quick check questions so
you can easily see how much you have learned.
Skills Progression
There is also a Skills Progression
section, so you can check what
other skills you have been using.
Let’s Review other skills you have been using.
Competencies: ‘I can…’ QuestionsQuestions
Where do you find the
Where do you find the
I can compare how much energy 1 Where do you find the
information about the energy in
different foods have and use the information about the energy in
information about the energy in
correct units. different foods?
different foods?
2 What is this type of energy
What is this type of energy
What is this type of energy
S Sk k kills s P P P gr
measured in?
measured in? Skills Progression
Did You Know? I can compare the power ratings 3 How can you find out how Skill Describe how a lever works.
How can you find out how
How can you find out how
much power an appliance
much power an appliance
much power an appliance
of different appliances and
understand how to compare the
amount of energy transferred. 4 What is this power measured
What is this power measured
What is this power measured
How can you compare the
How can you compare the
5 How can you compare the Question Skill
amount of energy transferred What happens to particles in a Comprehension
amount of energy transferred
amount of energy transferred
by different appliances?
by different appliances?
by different appliances? substance when heat is added?
What types of fuel and energy
What types of fuel and energy
I can name fuels and energy 6 What types of fuel and energy
do we use in our homes?
do we use in our homes?
resources used for domestic do we use in our homes? Skill Question
energy and describe some of the
Further Study advantages of using renewable 7 Give two advantages of using Application help to prevent burns when cooking?
Give two advantages of using
Give two advantages of using
How can knowledge of conduction
renewable energy resources.
renewable energy resources.
renewable energy resources.
I can explain how simple 8 How do simple machines make
How do simple machines make
How do simple machines make
machines can make work easier. work easier? Skill
work easier?
Two beakers contain different amounts of water Analysis
What is the difference between
What is the difference between
I can explain the difference 9 What is the difference between but have the same temperature. Which one
temperature and total heat
temperature and total heat
between temperature and total temperature and total heat contains the most heat energy and why?
heat energy. energy?
What does it mean if two
What does it mean if two
I can explain thermal equilibrium. 10 What does it mean if two Skill Question
ects have thermal
ects have thermal
objects have thermal Synthesis Draw a picture to show how heat
equilibrium? energy is transferred by convection.
Question Skill
Why is it important to understand
heat transfer? How can this help Evaluation
152 us in our daily lives?