Page 8 - York Global Science 6 - Physical Science
P. 8
A lesson contains everything that you need to do,
know and understand for that piece of learning.
Here is an example.
The Vocabulary
section lists the
keywords to be
learned as you work
through the lesson. 1 Charge and Electric Fields
➜ ➜ Describe the idea of an electric field as forces acting across the space
between objects not in contact.
➜ ➜ Identify how matter can be charged and how charge can be detected.
• Atom • Field lines • Non-contact force
• Attract • Force • Particle
• Electric charge • Matter • Positively charged
• Electric field • Negatively charged • Proton
• Electron • Neutral • Repel
• Exert • Neutron
Let’s Start
What is an electric charge?
Let’s Start
The lesson starts with a Let’s Start activity, which
provides a relevant engaging starter question.