Page 6 - York Global Science 4 - Earth & Space
P. 6

A lesson contains everything that you need to do,
             know and understand for that piece of learning.

             Here is an example.


                   The Vocabulary
                   section lists the
                   keywords to be
                   learned as you work                Rock Formations Over Time
                                                      Rock For
                                                               mations Over Time
                   through the lesson.            1
                                                    ➜   Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock
                                                      layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.

                                                     • Fossil      • Particle    • Sand
                                                     • Igneous rock  • Pressure  • Scientist
                                                     • Metamorphic rock  • Rock  • Sedimentary rock
                                                     • Mud

                                                      Let’s Start
                                                      Let’s Start
                                                     What do you know about rocks? Think about:
                                                     • how rocks are made
                                                     • the different types of rock
                                                     • how rocks are used.
                                                     Choose one fact about rocks and put your hand up. Your teacher may ask
                                                     you to share your fact. Listen to other facts from your class. Are any of these
                                                     facts new for you?


                                    Let’s Start
                                    Let’s Start
                                     The lesson starts with a Let’s Start activity, which

                                     provides a relevant engaging starter question.

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