Page 152 - York Global Science 6 - Physical Science
P. 152
Let’s Review
Competencies: ‘I can…’ Questions
I can compare how much energy 1 Where do you find the
different foods have and use the information about the energy in
correct units. different foods?
2 What is this type of energy
measured in?
I can compare the power ratings 3 How can you find out how
of different appliances and much power an appliance
understand how to compare the uses?
amount of energy transferred. 4 What is this power measured
5 How can you compare the
amount of energy transferred
by different appliances?
I can name fuels and energy 6 What types of fuel and energy
resources used for domestic do we use in our homes?
energy and describe some of the 7 Give two advantages of using
advantages of using renewable renewable energy resources.
I can explain how simple 8 How do simple machines make
machines can make work easier. work easier?
I can explain the difference 9 What is the difference between
between temperature and total temperature and total heat
heat energy. energy?
I can explain thermal equilibrium. 10 What does it mean if two
objects have thermal