What is The York Global Corpus ?
York Global Corpus is a comprehensive programme of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies education, spanning from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Based on leading current international curricula and pedagogy, the corpus comprises student books and teacher materials, supported by a range of digital resources. York Global Corpus is uniquely structured as a comprehensive resource bank, with materials clearly linked to the Global Framework and learning objectives that offer careful progression through the grades. This enables adaptation to any curriculum or scheme of work, making this scheme eminently suitable for use by teachers, students and ministries of education globally.
Whilst fully aware of the importance of raising attainment, York Global Corpus is also designed to help unveil the fascinating potential that STEM subjects can offer. The modern world has great need for future generations of scientists, engineers and mathematicians; indeed, some of the careers that they may ultimately find themselves engaged in do not yet exist. It is hoped that this scheme strikes a healthy balance between academic rigour and enjoyment of the sciences.
York Global Corpus is devised with the teacher at the centre. Throughout the preparation of these materials, the authors and publishers have been mindful of ensuring suitability for real teachers in real classroom settings throughout the world. For this reason, the Corpus is underpinned by five key pedagogical principles: simplicity, flexibility, language, rigour and values.
Unlike many schemes available today, the Corpus does not rely on expensive equipment or complicated software; instead, it is simple for teachers to pick up and use in their everyday classroom delivery, wherever they are in the world. Its granular structure ensures that the Corpus can be rearranged into any regional or national scheme of work. Furthermore, the simplicity that runs through the Corpus extends to its focus on English language delivery, so that users are not threatened by the language level of the materials. This is particularly evident in the teacher notes, which aim to deliver the content through English language medium, thereby supporting both the teacher and the student. However, none of these features come at the expense of rigour. The Corpus aims to maintain the highest academic standards throughout, combining the most effective internationally recognised teaching approaches to ensure the teacher can be confident in raising their students’ attainment levels in the classroom and beyond.
Finally, the Corpus is unique in its focus on values and ethics. These are evident in every learning objective, in every lesson. In doing so it is not trying to promote a particular philosophy or ideology; rather, the Corpus aims to develop students who are not only equipped with the knowledge to change the world, but also an understanding of the consequences of their actions, and the insight to work towards a better future. The Global Corpus is an ambitious programme, spanning across the entire K-12 range in both Mathematics and Science. Throughout this vast spectrum, it is clear that different grades and different subjects require their own dedicated teaching approaches, which will also need to be tailored to the needs of individual countries. Therefore, the Corpus employs a range of pedagogies with proven effectiveness, in both the Mathematics and Science programmes.