York Global Corpus

York Global Corpus is a comprehensive programme of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies education, spanning from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Based on leading current international curricula and pedagogy, the corpus comprises student books and teacher materials, supported by a range of digital resources. York Global Corpus is uniquely structured as a comprehensive resource bank, with materials clearly linked to the Global Framework and learning objectives that offer careful progression through the grades. This enables adaptation to any curriculum or scheme of work, making this scheme eminently suitable for use by teachers, students and ministries of education globally.

York Global Science
York Global Science is an exciting and comprehensive programme of Science education, spanning from Kindergarten to Grade 12, and based on the best current international curricula and pedagogies. The central focus is on coverage across a wide spectrum of learning objectives with careful progression through the grades, making this scheme eminently suitable for use in classrooms around the world.
It is intended for use by pupils studying Science as a central part of their primary curriculum. Containing clear explanatory text, activities and real-world features, this resource is designed to promote both conceptual understanding and effective knowledge recall. An active learning approach, with a focus on scientific enquiry and practical skills, ensures engagement throughout.
Furthermore, linkage to the mathematics curriculum for the grade provides a full STEM teaching and learning experience.
Alongside the curriculum content, this resource seeks to nurture the essential 21st century skills necessary for pupils to realise their potential in the modern world. These are coupled with a strong focus on values, ethics and citizenship to encourage pupils to gain awareness of their responsibilities within society and the wider global context.

York Global Mathematics
York Global Mathematics is an exciting programme of Mathematics education, spanning from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and based on the best current international curricula and pedagogies. The central focus is on coverage across a wide spectrum of learning objectives with careful progression through the grades, making this scheme eminently suitable for use in classrooms around the world.
It is intended for use by pupils studying Mathematics as a central part of their curriculum. Containing clear explanatory text, worked examples and exercises, this resource is designed to promote both procedural competence and conceptual understanding. An active learning approach, with a focus on concrete and pictorial representations, ensures that pupils are actively engaged throughout.
Exercises are designed to be accessible across the ability spectrum, and include investigations to encourage exploration and group work.
Alongside the standard curriculum content, this resource seeks to nurture the essential 21st century skills necessary for the youngest pupils to begin to realise their potential in the modern world. This is coupled with a strong focus on values, ethics and citizenship to encourage pupils to gain awareness of their responsibilities within society and the wider global context.

York Global Connections
York Global Connections is a new topic-led Social Studies course for Grades 1–6.
Social Studies is the study of people, and their human and physical environments.
The course brings together all of the disciplines within Social Studies in an exciting, vibrant and inspiring new course.